Hero's Happen Here launches

Over the past several weeks there have been a series of launch events covering :

* Windows Server 2008

* Visual Studio 2008

* SQL Server 2008

Jeff and I have been having a blast going to each event (Cleveland, Detroit, and Columbus), and talking with all of the developers and architects. Jeff and I have really gotten our schtick down. Hopefully, he will start using the new 'runat=server' reserved words.  We have found this really helps the updatepanel performance! :)

If you haven't been to a launch yet, or what to watch the virtual sessions, go to www.heroshappenhere.com. I will be in Nashville,TN on May 1st, and Louisville, KY on May 22nd. I hope to see you there. If there is enough interest, we can organize an after party somewhere.

If you go, you get a full copy of Vista Ultimate, Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008, and SQL Server 2008! That is an awesome bundle.


Tim said…
The UpdatePanel is dead...LONG LIVE MVC!!

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