CINNUG is hosting an ASP.NET MVC Firestarter

Just a quick post in case you are interested. CINNUG has been doing a series of special events. This one is a firestarter on ASP.NET MVC. Firestarters are great for getting up to speed on a technology you don’t know anything about. You can walk in the door knowing nothing about MVC, and walk out with a good grasp.

From their announcement:

CINNUG is hosting an ASP.NET MVC Firestarter event on Saturday, Oct. 17th at the MS office in Mason, OH (near Cincinnati).  I was hoping that the people on this list that believe this could be a good event would please publicize the event on their blogs and/or tweet about it.  This will be the third firestarter event that CINNUG has put on and the previous two have been successful with some people coming in from TN and MI to attend these one day, focused events. 

Registration Link:


If you know nothing about ASP.NET MVC, then this event is for you.  It’s a “from the ground up” look at how to get started with this alternative to ASP.NET Webform development.  We'll be covering a number of topics including

  • Intro to ASP.NET MVC
  • Intro to Testing ASP.NET MVC
  • Intro to JQuery
  • Intro to ASP.NET MVC on Azure
  • Panel Discussion: Web Forms vs ASP.NET MVC


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