Once when I worked for a consulting firm, one of my leads wanted to go to a big conference. So we filled out the paperwork, estimated flight and hotel costs, and submitted it into the black hole of bureaucracy. I hounded my manager at the time, every other day.
After what seemed like an infinite amount of time, we found out the training request was approved. It was too late to use the early bird special price, but registration was still open.
Then we had to fight the admin staff to get the attendee registered. By the time everything was all said and done, the event was sold out, and they couldn’t go.
If you are in that situation, please note that the Early Bird discount for PDC2008 has been extended until September 8th. You will get $200 off (little less than 10%).
This is the one PDC you can’t miss. It will be bigger than ever, covered with a gooey layer of awesomeness.
Go register now, and ask for forgiveness later. :)