West Michigan Day of .NET

I will be attending the WMDODN on May 10th. The event will be held at the Davenport University, W.A. Lettinga Campus in Grand Rapids, MI. Microsoft will be a sponsor this year.

While they haven't announced the sessions yet, the agenda shows that they will have four tracks of content!

The date for their speaker submissions was March 24th, but the site hasn't bee updated. They may still be accepting speakers. I submitted some talks, hopefully they have room left.

Go register now! What could be better than hanging out with other geeks, free food, and 'conversatin' about .NET?

Anyone coming from the Columbus area (or along the route) is welcome to ride along with me. I may or may not be spending the night before.

If you are a company in the area, this is a great event to sponsor. This crowd represents the passionate .NET developers in the area. Who else would take a Saturday to hang out with other geeks?


James Bender said…
If you're getting a car-pool together I'm in.

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