First Round of CodeMash Speakers Announced!
CodeMash is proud to announce the first round of speakers selected for this year's event. We have some great sessions lined up this year. So many, I think they content is going to blow away last year.
The content team (led by Jason Gilmore and Dianne Marsch) have been swamped with over one hundred session submissions, with only about 45 slots to fill. I don't envy them at all. I know they are working hard on picking the right topics, with the right mix and blend to really make this year special.
So, here goes...
Bruce Eckel: "Why I Love Python"
Bruce Eckel has given hundreds of presentations throughout the world,
published over 150 articles in numerous magazines, was a founding member of
the ANSI/ISO C++ committee and speaks regularly at conferences. He provides
public and private seminars & design consulting in OO Design, Python, Java
and C++.
Neal Ford: "Engineering and Polyglot Programming" and "DSLs in Static & Dynamic Languages"
Neal Ford is an senior application architect at ThoughtWorks, a global IT
consultancy. His primary consulting focus is the building of large-scale
enterprise applications. He is also an internationally acclaimed speaker,
having spoken at numerous developers conferences worldwide.
Jesse Liberty: "Coding in Silverlight"
Jesse Liberty is a Senior Program Manager for Microsoft's Silverlight
Development Team. He is a former Distinguished Software Engineer at AT&T and
Vice President for technology development at CitiBank, and was an
independent consultant for 12 years.
Dick Wall: "Testing with Guice"
Dick Wall is a software engineer at Google, based in Mountain View. He also
co-hosts the Java Posse podcast-a regular Java-centric news and interviews
show that can be found at
Jim Weirich: "Advanced Ruby Class Design"
Jim Weirich has over twenty-five years of experience in software
development, and is employed with EdgeCase. He has worked with real-time
data systems for testing jet engines, networking software for information
systems, and image processing software for the financial industry. Weirich
is active in the Ruby community and has contributed to several Ruby
projects, including the Rake build system and the RubyGems package software.
We will be announcing more sessions soon!