Upcoming Speaking Schedule

I just glanced at my calendar, and noticed I have quite a full schedule coming up.

August 21, 2007 - Cincinnati .NET Users Group - I will be speaking on 'Applied Service Oriented Architecture'. I will be discussing the underpinnings of SOA, and how it can be applied to your enterprise.


August 28, 2007 - Findlay .NET Users Group - I will be in Findlay presenting my "Hands on Agile Practices" talk. We will discuss how my company has adopted agile practices. I avoid the theory of agile (since so many talks already do that well), and focus on concrete application. I love giving this talk.


August 31, 2007 - Louisville, KY Day of .NET - Jeremy Sublett came up from KY to speak at the Central Ohio .NET developers group, and he told me they were throwing a Day of .NET event in Louisville. Since I love to speak on almost any topic, anywhere, I kind of invited myself to speak. Jeremy was very gracious in light of my slightly rude behavior, and said he would welcome me as a speaker. I am on tap to do at least a talk on WF, and I think one on BizTalk. I am hoping to squeeze in my agile practices talk as well.


If you are in the area, you should drop by. These are awesome community events.


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