Internet Service Bus
That is one name for it. For a while these services were going by 'BizTalk Services', or something like that. There were two that were up on the labs site, for the public to use, but they weren't publicized very well. We got to see the other services that are in the works at the MVP Conference a few weeks ago. Enterprise Service Buses (or ESBs) are great things. They let us create services in our enterprise, and loosely couple our systems together, while doing it in a discoverable, manageable, governable, reliable fashion. When you put this infrastructure in place, you can start tying in services from more than just your enterprise. While you will typically have home grown services, and a mix of services from your commercial off the shelf line of business applications, it gets real interesting when you start tying into services available on the Internet. Of course you have to do this in a way that is reliable and useful to your business. This become a huge new way to leve...