
Showing posts from May, 2009

Martin Shoemaker and I discuss VS2010 & UML on

A while ago Martin and I sat down to discuss UML and how it is making a come back in VS2010 for architects. We had a great chat, and we learned how this isn’t your grandpa’s UML anymore. The way the VS team has implemented it is much more functional to everyone on the team besides the Big Up Front Planning Dinosaur. It will help you understand the lay of the land for that large system you inherited, allowing you to more easily see what is going on. hosts their third summit is hosting it's third Architecture Summit on June 10th at the Microsoft office in Nashville, TN (Franklin).  The topic of this summit will be Patterns and Principles. Session One: Software Patterns Patterns are an important tool to use as architects and developers. They provide a common vocabulary for us to design with, as well as a common approach to a common problem. Come learn about useful patterns, and how to use them in your everyday code. Session Two: How I Learned To Love Dependency Injection Dependency Injection is one of those scary topics that most developers avoid. It sounds all ‘high-falootin’ and complex. It’s not. Really. We wouldn’t lie. It’s a great way to manage complexity in your system, and a great way to make your system so much more testable. And isn’t that what we all want? Each session will be followed by open discussions periods. A catered lunch will be provided starting at noon when the welcome time begins. Register here: https://ww...

Ian McDonald is coming to Columbus next week!

Ian McDonald is the director and general manager of the Windows Server Group. He will be travelling through Ohio, and will be speaking at the Columbus Exchange & Windows User Group (CEWUG). The group meets at the Columbus Microsoft office. He will be talking about the experience of developing Windows. Agenda 5:30 to 6:05: Welcome time; meet the MS steering committee, pizza and beverages 6:05 to 7:05: An inside perspective of managing the Windows code base. 5 minute break 7:10 to 8:15: Finish, the intricacies of the people, process and technology of creating Windows Server. Where: 8800 Lyra Dr, Suite 400 Columbus, OH 43240 When: Wednesday: May  27, 2009 5:30 to 8:15 PM